Jesus the High Priest
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Mt 11:28

Mission Statement

Holy Alliance Support Ministry is a unique ministry which serves United States Catholic Bishops as a trusted advisor in mental health related issues. The ministry is offered in partnership with the Catholic Medical Association.

Ministry funded through a generous Catholic family foundation

St. Peter the Apostle
Patron Saint
“I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Mt 16:19

Why is Holy Alliance Support Ministry important?

This ministry provides an opportunity for Bishops to seek confidential consultation from subject matter experts in mental health.

What is Holy Alliance Support Ministry’s Goal?

The goal of this ministry is to provide a secure and confidential telehealth network with Catholic mental health professionals at no cost.

Mission Statement

Holy Alliance Support Ministry is a unique ministry which serves United States Catholic Bishops as a trusted advisor in mental health related issues. The ministry is offered in partnership with the Catholic Medical Association.

Jesus the High Priest
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Mt 11:28

St. Peter the Apostle
Patron Saint
“I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Mt 16:19

Why is Holy Alliance Support Ministry important?

This ministry provides an opportunity for Bishops to seek confidential consultation from subject matter experts in mental health.

What is Holy Alliance Support Ministry’s Goal?

The goal of this ministry is to provide a secure and confidential telehealth network with Catholic mental health professionals at no cost.

How does the
Holy Alliance Support Line function?

Bishops can call the toll free number
1-866-GLORY BE (1-866-456-7923).
During the hours of 9am-9pm CST a Bishop will be connected directly with a mental health professional with whom he can consult regarding his specific needs.

How does the Holy Alliance Support Line function?

Bishops can call the toll free number
1-866-GLORY BE (1-866-456-7923).
During the hours of 9am-9pm CST a Bishop will be connected directly with a mental health professional with whom he can consult regarding his specific needs.


  • Toll free Support Line with timely response
  • Confidential connection with licensed Catholic Psychologists/Psychiatrists
  • Website: to include secured resource library
  • Referral source of experienced licensed Catholic Psychologists/Psychiatrists
  • Referral source for experienced Spiritual Consultation


Episcopal Advisor

Bishop Robert F. Vasa

Diocese of Santa Rosa

Episcopal Consultant

Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila

Archdiocese of Denver

Episcopal Consultant

Bishop James Conley

Diocese of Lincoln

Episcopal Consultant

Bishop Thomas Daly

Diocese of Spokane

Episcopal Consultant

Bishop Robert D. Gruss

Diocese of Saginaw

Episcopal Consultant

Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted

Diocese of Phoenix

Director of
Holy Alliance Support Ministry

Cynthia Hunt, MD

Associate Director of Holy Alliance Support Ministry

Christina Lynch, Psy.D.

Consultant of
Holy Alliance Support Ministry

Fr. Dennis McManus

Episcopal Consultant

Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila

Archdiocese of Denver

Episcopal Consultant

Bishop James Conley

Diocese of Lincoln

Episcopal Consultant

Bishop Thomas Daly

Diocese of Spokane

Episcopal Consultant

Retired Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted

Diocese of Phoenix

Director of
Holy Alliance Support Ministry

Cynthia Hunt, MD

Associate Director of Holy Alliance Support Ministry

Christina Lynch, Psy.D.

Consultant of
Holy Alliance Support Ministry

Fr. Dennis McManus

Holy Alliance Resource Library

Available Now!

A big component of our ministry is the Holy Alliance Resource Library. Web resources allow registered users to browse a library classified by topics such as recommended websites, Apps, and book suggestions. Choose from a selection of the most common mental health-related issues, including editorial columns from experts in this field, to inspiring success stories and testimonials from Catholics leaders at no cost for you!

You will also have access to our anonymous virtual suggestion box to make requests about specific issues that concern you.

To request your free registration (bishops only please) email us at: or call: 1-866-GLORY BE. A representative from the Holy Alliance Support Ministry will contact you to provide your login access.

Latest News

We are pleased to welcome Most Rev. James D. Conley, Bishop of Lincoln, as  an Episcopal Consultant for the Holy Alliance Support Ministry.

In December 2019, Bishop Conley requested time away in order to seek assistance in dealing with anxiety and depression. Now back into his role as Bishop of Lincoln we are thankful for his witness and dedication to encourage others to encounter a healthy integration of faith and psychological help.